The French Consulate in Guangzhou invited Sasho Gligorovski from GG, CAS to give a presentation on 24 October 2021, entitled as “The influence of climate change on indoor air quality” in the frame of “Sino-French Month of Environment”. This event was held in the beautiful environment of the Guangdong Science Centre in Panyu district of Guangzhou. Five lectures in total were delivered by well recognized experts in the field of environmental science and technology. The event was open by Ms. Veronique Anton a scientific attaché in the French Consulate of Guangzhou.

The presentation of Sasho attracted a great interest due to his scholarly way of presenting this emerging topic area such as the climate change and indoor air quality and their impact on human health. Sasho started the presentation by explaining the composition of the air that we inhale on a daily basis. Sasho stated “We inhale more than 130 litters of air per day which means about 20 000 inhalations. Considering that 90 % of our time we are confined in indoor environment it is important to understand the factors that can affect the indoor air quality. In the future will become even more important as we live more and more of our lives indoors, i.e. increased indoor exposure will arise as societies industrialize, and as we live in tighter homes, air condition more, and protect ourselves from outdoor air pollution.”

Sasho finished the presentation with the song title “Every breath you take” from the British band “Police” suggesting to audience that everyone of us can contribute to improve the air quality and climate change. Every precious breath we take we can think what action we need to take to improve the air quality. Every action, every effort counts………

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