The main focus of the Atmospheric Photochemistry Research Group at GIG-Chinese Academy of Science is to understand and quantify the photochemical processes occurring on various surfaces of atmospheric relevance and within the aerosol deliquescent particles. This research is critical because provides quantitative information that can be used in photochemical models (regional and global scale) to better understand the air quality and climate change issues.

Latest News

Excellence in refereeing for JGR: Atmospheres

Prof. Sasho Gligorovski was recently awarded with "EXCELLENCE IN REFEREEING", for his outstanding service to the authors and readers of JGR: Atmospheres.

Siyu received awards in the Science Popularization

Siyu was awarded the First Prize and Outstanding Award in the Science Popularazation Competation, held by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Branch and Tianhe district, Guangzhou, respectively. Her talk entitled with "Cooking Emission: An invisible killer around our daily life", reveived great attention due to its realistic implication.

Academic Innovation Award, CAS, Guangzhou

Yiqun was awarded the "Academic Innovation Award" in the 21th Conference for PhD Students in the Great Bay Area, held by UCAS. Only two PhD students were awarded out of more than 40 competitors from tens of insititutes, for their outstanding academic potentials in the future career.

Special Prize of President Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

Congratulations to Huifan! She has been awarded the Special Prize of President Scholarship for Postgraduate Students, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is the highest award for postgraduate student in China. Only 80 students will be awared each year all over the Chinese Academy of Sciences and its affiliations.